Charles Mathewes for the Washington Post on White Christianity

Religion and Its Publics Co-Director Charles Mathewes recently contributed to the Washington Post with a piece entitled “White Christianity is in big trouble. And it’s its own biggest threat.” Read the full article below. *** “White Christianity is in big trouble. And it’s its own biggest threat” Charles Mathewes | December 19, 2017 It’s that…

Using Religion? Higher Ed, Vocation, and Systemic Justice by Shelli M. Poe

*** A response to this piece was posted by Hannah Schell, Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Monmouth College, entitled “Beyond ‘Warm and Fuzzy’ Mentoring” (January 15, 2018). Read Schell’s brief introduction to the response and find a link to the full response below: “Shelli Poe’s recent post, “Using Religion? Higher Ed, Vocation, and…

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