Senior Fellow Elizabeth Bucar

Elizabeth Bucar is a religious ethicist who studies gender, emergent technologies, and moral transformation within Islamic and Christian traditions and communities. She is the author of The Islamic Veil: A Beginner’s Guide(Oneworld Publications, 2012) and Creative Conformity (Georgetown University Press, 2011), and co-editor of Ethics in a Time of Globalism(Palgrave, 2012) and Does Human Rights Need God? (Eerdmans, 2005). Bucar is currently working on two new comparative projects. The first, Pious Fashion, argues that through specific clothing choices Muslim women are leveraging the attention put on the public presentation of their bodies to become important local creators, arbiters, and critics of norms and values. The second, The Good of Ambiguous Bodies, explores the criteria by which religious authorities judge forms of body modification as enhancements or violations of human life through a concrete and comparative case study.