Religion and Politics: Fit for Polite Company

    Religion and Politics is blog of the Danforth Center for the Study of Religion and Politics. Offers long-form journalism and opinion pieces, often by scholars of religion, on religion and politics globally.

Sacred Matters: Religious Currents in Culture

      Like “Immanent Frame,” Sacred Matters sees itself exploring the territory on the borderlands of religion and secularism. Who are the religious “nones”? What is spiritual or religious about our supposedly secular world? Based out of Emory University, the blog is oriented mostly but not exclusively towards American culture.

Religion Dispatches

      The religiously unaffiliated Religion Dispatches explores the intersection of religion, culture, and politics. Seeking to correct the dominance of the religiously “ultraconservative” in the media, RD forefronts issues of sexuality, gender, atheism, and science. Highly accessible and well organized.

Islam for Reporters

Provides resources —in particular, definitions of terms—for reporters covering Islamic topics and tracks incidents of Islamophobia in the US.