William Wood oversees the teaching and admission of theology undergraduates at Oriel, where he teaches a wide variety of papers in historical and contemporary theology and philosophy of religion. Before coming to Oriel, he received a PhD in theology from the University of Chicago in 2007 and spent a year as a postdoctoral fellow in philosophy at the University of Notre Dame.
Wood’s first book is entitled Blaise Pascal on Duplicity, Sin and the Fall: The Secret Instinct (Oxford University Press, 2013). This work is part of a broader interest in philosophical and theological accounts of sin and self-deception in the Augustinian tradition. As a corollary to that project, he is also trying to develop an account of what it means to say that God is truth, drawing especially on medieval figures like Anselm and Aquinas. He also has research interests in the relationship between philosophy, theology, and the study of religion. He is currently engaged in a three-year project that will compare the methods and norms of analytic philosophical theology with the methods and norms of the academic discipline of religious studies. Parts of the manuscript resulting from this project have been workshopped by the Senior Fellows of the project.