Why Nationalism Keeps Surprising Us by Slavica Jakelić

December 28, 2020 Lepore, Jill. This America: The Case for the Nation, New York: Liveright Publishing Corporation, 2019         The twentieth century had its share of historians who, aghast at nationalism, abandoned writing national histories because they didn’t want those histories to become part of nationalist projects. Similarly incensed by nationalism, a considerable number of twentieth-century…

Solidarity Beyond Naivete by Slavica Jakelić

December 11, 2020 If the 2020 pandemic is not to become “another tragedy of history from which we learned nothing,” Pope Francis warns in his newest encyclical Fratelli Tutti, then we need to turn away from the world as it is, fragmented and “bereft of a shared vision” for the human family, toward the world…